As you embrace the 'Sacred Yes', the Magic happens

Essence Merging


Start the conversation with your own soul,
which has all the answers you seek,
simply by harnessing
the power of your own breath.


 the inward journey

Ever feel stuck in your own negative thinking?

Ever wish the running commentary in your own head would quiet down?

Do you find yourself searching for more clarity? More joy?

Changing your relationship with your breath can change all of this…


the outward journey

Essence Merging shares conscious integrative breath, gaze, and spirit led touch, sitting across from another to foster soul-to-soul connections, experiencing embodied oneness with no separation. These connections drop the delusional veil of a separate self. We begin to see everyone as the face of God and a mirror to our own inner landscape.



Dr. Colleen Quinn

I am a Rebirthing Breathworker, a Licensed Psychologist with a somatic experiencing trauma-informed specialty and the author of the upcoming Essence-Merging.